We are proud to announce that we have a new head office. Our new address is Parallelweg 4 in Haaksbergen.
You are always welcome for a cup of coffee!
In the 2nd half of December Wegdam Food Link moved into their new head offices ‘’CLV-building’’ in Haaksbergen. After more than a year of (re)construction, the historical building was ready to use as the new office.
History of the CLV building
In 1913 the Coöperatieve Landbouw Vereniging (Cooperative Agricultural Society) (CLV) was formed in Haaksbergen. Through cooperative buying and selling the farmers were able to demand more competitive prices. In addition, it’s more efficient to transport bigger amounts at once. The purchased commodities, usually animal feed, were delivered by rail. A rail connection on the one side of the building, and an elevated platform on the other side made it possible to load and unload at the same time.
The building is of great architectonic value on account of the concrete construction of Beltman architects from Enschede. The silo has the austere characteristics of ‘’De Stijl’’ period. The CLV-building is stated on the municipal monument list and is the last memory of the flourishing agricultural period in Haaksbergen.